She is Epic, Inc | Web Content Writer

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"How Do We Do This Quarantine Marketing Thing!?"

Throw your current marketing & messaging playbook in the rinse cycle!

At least for the next 8 to 12 months.

At least until we get through this pandemic.

At least until we have a clearer picture and the dust has settled.

We’re in a pandemic, people…give yourself GRACE.

None of us know how this is going to go.

Now, having to move in-person events to virtual experiences —it’s tricky.

Here’s a sobering thought, you’re not alone in this odd time of uncertainty. And that’s validating and comforting —no matter how awkwardly unusual that sounds.

I am especially speaking to the companies that pump out self-centred content vs audience centred content. At this time, they need to reconsider their strategy. As the Harvard Business Review laid out, communication pieces that inspire are the go-to pieces of content of all times (ok, maybe not of all times but it's front row).

None of us were prepared for the massive shift that we’re currently experiencing. And for businesses everywhere, our marketing and messaging got clobbered.

What do you post so that you’re not promoting "COVID Coupons"?! It’s not a thing. Don’t make it a thing.

Here are some ways you can take immediate action:

1) Pause & Pivot All Scheduled Posts

Your previously planned rollout is no longer relevant and therefore, it’s better to be silent yet intentional than loud and tone-deaf during this time.

"Do you need to reduce how often you post?"

Hop back into your automated scheduler and with a fine-tooth comb replace messaging that no longer applies. And in its place add content that supports your audience's current situation.

2) Prepare to Strategize

Now’s the time to redesign and realign your online goals.

"What's your core message?"

Don’t use this as an opportunity to force-feed content or capitalize on a crisis. 

Be mindful of imagery containing crowds and language like “get in touch” or “work hand in hand”. Physical distancing is in full effect.

Adding value should be the top priority right now —not multiplying the online noise. You can do this by injecting humour, storytelling and informative visuals into your marketing.

3) Support a Cause or Start Your Own Campaign

This is a great time to showcase the causes your business supports (show the human side) or even start your own online campaign by using a designated hashtag like the #IStayHome that launched on TikTok.

#IStayHome Challenge

You can get extremely creative here. There's no rule book, remember?

Everyone is experiencing this for the first time. Your business could set an example of how it should be done. From how you promote the causes you support via an Instagram carousel of candid quotes of how people are finding joy in disfunction. Or tag the businesses that complement your own —what are they doing to boost the communities and healthcare workers.

We're in this together, even if we're 6 feet apart.

4) Educate AND Entertain

This one by far is my favorite on the quarantine marketing & messaging list.

It simultaneously highlights your expertise and builds audience engagement for now and future tomorrows. See how these companies, WHO & Canva pivoted in their marketing.

Stay informed on topics relevant to your audience.

This allows you to add to the conversation (via an infographic) not disrupt.

Share your business’ crisis preparedness.

This positions you as a leader with a contingency plan.

All of the above is just as important as creating entertaining distractions like inspirational videos or funny memes.

We are bogged down with enough COVID reports from the media and news outlets. Keep it light, just as much as you stay informed.


5) Optimize Your Marketing Material: Website, Blog Posts and Collateral (OHkay, fine)

Where else can you put your attention right now...other than social media to stand out online after COVID?


Did someone say, rebrand? Show your website some l-o-v-e.

  • Rethink your current content: does it represent the evolution of my brand? Does it highlight your core message? Do you present yourself as approachable, personable and an industry leader? Ponder on that for a minute.

Rewrite your blog posts with updated keywords (👀SEO)

  • I'm no SEO wizard but it doesn't take one to know, you probably could show up better in search results if you send a bit more time on what keywords help you show up: how you want and for who you want.

Capture new headshots (i.e. smartphone photoshoot!) or a bio refresh, maybe? 

  • Don't underestimate the power of looking like 2020 you, instead of 2010's past (*guilty). And that bio that you use to pitch is sitting in isolation on your website. This time around —include qualitative data & quantitative numbers.

Turn up the brag meter and name the fortune 500 companies you've partnered with.

These are just a few ways to get your biz organized and back on track as the comeback kid. Resilient and powerful.

Be safe, stay healthy!

See this gallery in the original post